MBLEx Check: Online Readiness Assessment

  • Register
    • Massage/Bodywork Student - $25
    • Massage/Bodywork Therapist - $25
    • Other - $25
    • FSMTB Volunteers - $25
    • FSMTB Staff - $25
    • Admin - $25
The MBLEx Check: Online Readiness Assessment is a practice exam designed to simulate the MBLEx experience. It's a great way to prepare for the MBLEx and determine which areas you might need to focus on before testing.
The MBLEx Check is structured with the same content distribution as the MBLEx:
  • Anatomy & Physiology (11%)
  • Kinesiology (12%)
  • Pathology, Contraindications, Areas of Caution, and Special Population (14%)
  • Benefits and Physiological Effects of Techniques that Manipulate Soft Tissue (15%)
  • Client Assessment, Reassessment, and Treatment Planning (17%)
  • Ethics, Boundaries, Laws and Regulations (16%)
  • Guidelines for Professional Practice (15%)
Additional Information:
  • You will have one year from the date of registration to take the MBLEx Check.
  • You will have 110 minutes to complete 100 multiple choice questions that are randomly presented.
  • Please be sure you have a strong internet connection.
  • You must pay each time you take the MBLEx Check.
While taking the MBLEx Check, you will not be allowed to return to a question once you have moved on. Once you complete the MBLEx Check, you will be able to review the results in each content area, to help you prepare for the MBLEx.
None of the questions on the MBLEx Check are on the MBLEx, and passing it does not guarantee you will pass the MBLEx. However, as the MBLEx Check is designed to simulate the MBLEx, and is created by the experts who created the MBLEx. 
Please note that you will not receive CE credits for this exam and the MBLEx Check fee is not refundable. Questions? Click here to access the MBLEx FAQ's or contact reach@fsmtb.org


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MBLEx Introductory Video
Open to view video.
Open to view video. MBLEx Check is an online assessment which simulates the MBLEx. The video provides students with an overview of the MBLEx Check as well as provides tips for creating the best user experience.
100 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  110 minute limit
100 Questions  |  1 attempt  |  110 minute limit
MBLEx Check Survey
6 Questions